[Hair Journal] 2024
It's that time again! As seen in the pictures above, I've cut a good chunk of my hair off in July. I finally got tired of dealing with all that hair. I'm satisfied that I grew my hair to the longest it'll ever be in my life. I do enjoy a lot of what my short hair is doing for me most days. And while there are days I look at my hair confused as to what I wish I wanted it to do for me, there's at least a lot less of it to deal with during those moments. Hair type, concerns, history: late-30s, 1c, low porosity hair, buzzed on the side, longer on top and undyed. Focused on anti-aging: hair loss and white hair prevention. Still living with hard water, though I moved early this year and the newer building's newer pipes seems to have helped a bit. I mostly feel my way around with my hair and scalp, but I understand both a little better than I did two years ago. But truthfully, having way less of it just makes it easier to ignore. My Hair Currently Back to an undercu...