AmorePacific to Expand Further in UK and Middle East


[COSMETICS DESIGN ASIA] AmorePacific's Laniege is landing in SPACE NK and debuted in the Middle East through Sephora.

Lauren Lee, founder of STYLE STORY, says she thinks more Kbeauty brands will be landing in the Middle East in five to ten years, especially as more brands look to lessen their reliance on the Chinese market.

LG's The Face Shop already has a few stores in Dubai and UAE.


I'll try to shut up about this. It was just the first article I've seen where they specified movements into the Middle East rather than hinting at it. This coupled with the partnership with Watsons is very exciting. As a reminder, Shiseido has also opened a flagship store in the Middle East, so definitely new grounds that other brands outside of Korea are looking at. 

I usually think expanding too quickly will lead to flaming out more quickly, but I think they've been smart to go through larger retailers that already have a presence in these areas (eg: Sephora and Watsons). I'm actually surprised there hasn't been news about expanding into India, it seems ripe with possibility as well.

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