LG H&H Using AI for Marketing and Why I'm Boycotting (edit: and AmorePacific)

[OdileMonod] Odile posted twice in her IG stories this week news about LG's intention to use more generative AI in their marketing.

In the first story (shared above, left image) she wrote:

In their yearly ESG report, the LG group stated they are planning to use more AI-generated models in their ads moving forward.

Recently, I've shared a social media post from an LG brand showing a Before & After image created with AI (clearly labeled as such). In the coming years, it's going to be harder to distinguish real product visuals from AI-generated ones.

She has included the images of their goal with the AI marketing materials, including what looks like a real person in before and after versions.

In the second story (shared above, right image) she wrote:

The fact that they're trying to make it into an initiative to promote animal welfare and reduce environmental impact is so funny

They have a point don't get me wrong, but somehow I doubt the main motivation behind the use of AI-generated promotional materials is "minimising unethical filming"

The image she included were from pages 70 and 71 from the 2023 LG H&H ESG report which included AI-generated pictures of models and materials/ingredients.

Some quotes:

Moving forward, we plan to expand the use of generative AI for content creation instead of actual shooting. [Pg. 71]

LG H&H creates generative AI model images reflecting brand-specific personas to offer personalized experiences to customers. These AI generated model images, tailored to each brand's target audience, help clearly convey product characteristics and usage while providing new experiences through diverse character images[Pg. 70]

Loss of Jobs & Community Impact

I've semi-modeled in my life, have gone out for beauty castings in the past, have done both print and video shoots and have worked as a crew member in the film & TV industry. I am also a member of SAG-AFTRA, so yes, I have a bent. I care about people.

Every generative-AI "photoshoot" they use instead of a traditional model (ie: "actual shooting")  is dozens of jobs (ie: people). This means they are no longer paying:

  • The model and thereby the model's team, including agent and manager
  • The casting agent(s)
  • The photographer and their team
  • The hair and/or makeup person(s)
  • The wardrobe person(s)
  • The locations person(s)
  • The props/set dressing person(s)
  • The lighting person(s)
  • The driver(s)
  • Any and all of the assistants, including the production assistant
This also affects the people who own and/or work at:
  • Commercial space rentals for photoshoots
  • Equipment and truck rental companies
  • Local restaurants and shops
  • The accountants involved in paying/receiving all invoices and personnel
A photoshoot doesn't just happen in a day, it takes days of planning, gathering the right crew, discussing, planning and expanding ideas. So it's not just one day of pay these individuals are missing out on, it is multiple days. Multiply this for all the shoots a campaign should have had than just churning out AI content.

There is also a loss of art. I know some art snobs will say advertising isn't art, but it is. You hire an artist like a photographer for their eye, for their creative talent, for their ability to deliver, sometimes greater than what a creative director had in mind. This is now just another way people are kept at a computer and taking the community and humanity out of people.

The Lie

Random medium blogs and tweets seem to push the idea that using AI is better for the environment without providing proof. When a publication with morals tries to write an article praising using AI over humans for the environment, they quickly realize that there is no proof.

BlueSky user Dan Nguyen (dancow.bsky.social) asked StatisticUrban to check their sources when comparing the carbon footprint of a human writing a page of text vs AI writing a page of text. Their reply was to delete the article altogether because it was utilizing unreliable sources that had no evidence.

In fact, there's likely is more evidence that all that goes into generative AI is worse for the environment.

Last month, OpenAI chief executive Sam Altman finally admitted what researchers have been saying for years — that the artificial intelligence (AI) industry is heading for an energy crisis. It’s an unusual admission. At the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Altman warned that the next wave of generative AI systems will consume vastly more power than expected, and that energy systems will struggle to cope. “There’s no way to get there without a breakthrough,” he said. [nature, Feb. 2024]

See also: The Harvard Busines Review, MIT

Executives know consumers care about the environment, especially the younger generation as they have more to live on this planet. So it's easy to pull on those heartstrings as the reason when...well when you're told the number one priority of a business is to earn money for its shareholders (not it's employees, mind you). You'd be wise to be skeptical and jaded whenever a corporation wants to do something "for the good of the environment."

This is a cost-savings measure. A cost-savings measure that won't be for the people. Are they passing the savings onto the consumers? Will they be retaining all their employees? Would you think, based on history, the 1% of the 1% will keep it for themselves?

Even if you don't care about the impact on people, don't you care what you're shown as a consumer? People like before & after pictures because when they fall within certain rules, like being real and unedited, we want to see if your product works the way you claim it will.

Pictures of the generative AI models demonstrated on pg. 70 of the ESG Report.

Now nothing they're showing you is real. Why would you trust a skincare product that isn't showing you results on a human skin. Or...any human?

So I'm Boycotting LG H&H

Which is sad because I was slowly going into LG for a lot of my skin and haircare. Products I'll miss but will feel better about myself for not using: The Whoo Lipcerin, OHUI (all of it, really), Dr. Groot Hair Tonic, Dr. Groot Shampoo, Dr. Groot Scalp Scaler. 

I'm one person and I'm choosing this. Each person is free to choose what they will. I understand LG H&H covers a lot of brands, which may include HGs, but to me, compliance towards the decisions executives are making for themselves will only encourage them toward this direction. It is easier to make a conscious choice now before more companies see the profit of using generative AI in place of people and see no blowback.

If you want to join me and you're not sure if any product on your shelf is an LG H&H brand: https://www.lghnh.com/global/brand/list.jsp?type=BEAUTIFUL

December Update: AmorePacific Too

Screentshot from OdileMonod's IG stories. Her caption reads:
(L) Going back to the discussion on the pervasiveness of AI in Korean Beauty,
I was kindly informed that Amorepacific dedicated an entire section of one of their
\corporate websites to their use of generative AI for the production of marketing materials\
(ranging from ad campaigns to packaging and even visual merchandising).
(R) Some real life examples of AI campaign. I for one was really shocked to discover
the textures of the recent Primera [an AmorePacific brand] marketing campaigns
were all AI-generated, normally one would hire a texture photographer for that
(or a 3D designer in particular circumstances).

As expected, AmorePacific is using gen-AI for marketing too. I theorized in the sub way back when that the social media blitz of SME kbeauty to exhaust people in the west of all kbeauty and whether it's my age or seeing where it came from to where it's is now, I'm exhausted by it.

This is the push I need to look more into jbeauty luxe. Odile has been such an amazing resource for luxe kbeauty news and there's no dedicated English equivalent for Jbeauty so it's shot in the dark time...which is kind of exciting tbh. It might be the jolt I need to get interested in skincare again.

I don't really expect Japanese skincare/beauty companies to never use AI in the future, but this is the same society that held onto the ubiquitous use of fax machines for far longer than many other countries.

FYI: OdileMonod has been keeping track of gen-AI marketing in kbeauty in her pinned Instagram stories. Below are a few more examples:

Screenshot from OdileMonod's IG stories. Her caption reads:
(L) Unsurprisingly, the rise of AI is putting enormous pressure on domestic power grids.
Keep in mind that the South Korean government is making significant investments in the
industry, which is likely to lead to a substantial increase in demand in the new future. 
(R) Plus, as you may remember from the news below, they have recently implemented an
AI tactile sensory system to precisely predict how a product will feel on the skin, solely
based on its ingredients list, eliminating the need for human testing.


  1. Thank you for this in-depth post, as always :)

    You're so right about this and it's just another screw you to the consumer full of misinformation. Get more bullcrappery to sift through when trying to make the least unethical purchases whilst still getting effective products.

    Have you made any progress into researching alternatives?

    I'm a bit gutted that the CNP Sunquid is my favourite sunscreen but maybe it's just time to try some of the classic Japanese alcohol-containing sunscreens.

    Not sure what I do about the rest of my routine (I'm still on the fence about boycotting but I do feel like I should). Someone on the sub did just give me a great review of a Missha handbag cream that could replace my Sooryehan as a starting point. After all, it's not like I never try new products 😂

  2. It's just unfortunate because you always wish for technology to help humanity, not take away from it. Wishful thinking I suppose...

    I'm trying enprani based on Odile's video/post about retinol serums. I just got it yesterday! But I'll wait until my current OHUI Prime Advancer serum runs out. The enprani is a weaker retinol so it may be more my speed, we'll see. I hope my eyes will be okay with this weaker formula. Darn already dry eyes.

    And if you have a favorite or two, it's understandable not backing off from LG completely. Since I've been off the skincare trying boat, needing to revamp a good potion of my skin and hair routine is getting me back in the groove. It does feel a little different this time because other than a few "affordable" products I want to give a shot to, my mind immediately goes to luxe brands (because age), and I feel like there's not as many people viewing these products with the critical eye we "grew up" with on r/AB. Especially with the price, you expect better results.

    But let me know if you're gonna join me! I always look forward to your thoughts on new products! Handbag cream sounds convenient...I need something like that for my car

    1. Agreed. I know we have to expect that companies are doing it all for the bottom line but minimums of not being out and out bellends would be nice. Also wishful thinking....

      Ooh exciting! And yes, of course sensible to wait rather than having a whole ton of open products. Plus you don't want your retinol degrading before you've actually got to use it.

      Mmm retinol and dry eyes do not make for happy eyes. I had dry eyes before I started retinol/al/etc and for me, it doesn't seem noticeably worse so I consider myself lucky I guess?

      Enthusiasm for revamping is a happy side effect from stepping away from LG :)

      I think it can be easier to have a critical perspective if one has younger skin and there's less going on. Or if they're on the tret train and just need supporting stuff rather than the anti-aging. As you noted in your routine update post - for more, ahem, mature skin, there's so many concerns and features that become quite complex: even nasolabial folders become more pronounced (why???) and pores grr.

      I am going to join you, although I have a ton of stuff to use so it'll be a while! It does cement my Decorte softener obsession as well, although I'll need to find something different for my summer toner maybe. However, that'll be another year older and drier so maybe not 😂

      Oh no, autocorrect! Missha hanbang cream!!!It's the Missha chogongjin youngan jin cream - someone said it was a super thick balm so it could be my Sooryehan Chunsam cream replacement. Plus the price is good!

      Oh and totally serendipitous: someone messaged me to ask if I still wanted an Albion review (I think it was from a while back and what timing to get in touch now!) so there's another load of products that might be worth trying ❤️

    2. Re: the dry eye, you really are lucky! I feel like mine are getting worse, and this is without tret or retinol! Very sad😭

      Thanks for joining me! I'm very curious is the Missha hangbang products are up to snuff. Part of me thinks that there are already huge players in quality raw ingredients...can Missha afford to compete?

      I also cannot wait for the Albion reviews!! I'm eyeing them as the next luxe brands to try since I did enjoy the Exage lotion, although I didn't use it like they suggested with the cotton. So wasteful...

    3. Yeah, it's a lot better recently. I had a tear breakup time of 4 secs which is rotten (I worked in ophthalmology for a bit and the specialist nurses are kind enough to look at your eyes when you're having issues).

      I hate to say it but part of it is probably age 😭

      Oh yes, agreed. I have no idea either but I want a balm like cream so it's worth trying! I shall report back when I run out of stuff and need more balm cream.

      I got reviews of the Whitening range and Floral Drip. I want them allllll 🤣

      Yeah that is wasteful but we can ignore directions...


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